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"The Voronoi-Delaunay method for non-crystalline structures"


Russian Academy of Science,

Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, 2000, (in Russian)  

214 pages, 130 figures, 2 pictures, 277 references.

ISBN 5-7692-0248-3

ББК В151.0 Г562 В371.2

УДК 514.11:54-14:54-16:539.2


Publication was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Researches (RFFI), project 99-03-47007.

Abstract ,      Contents ,      Download



        The book presents a geometrical approach for studying the structure of non-crystalline systems: computer models of liquids, glasses, packings of balls, and any other systems which can be represented as an ensemble of discrete objects arbitrary distributed in space. The method is based on fundamental mathematical results of G.F.Voronoi and D.N.Delaunay about decomposition of space between discrete centers.   Mathematical basis and methodology of the method are discussed in the book in details.  

        The method is applied to different physical problems. Voronoi polyhedra and Delaunay simplexes are used for analysis of local arrangement of atoms (a problem of short range order). The entire Voronoi-Delaunay tessellation is used for studying spatial correlations both between atoms and interatomic voids. In this case one can trace new features of the structure of liquids and glasses (so called medium range order). Another promising way of application of the method is “a percolation analysis” of the structure. The Voronoi network is a convenient instrument for such work.   It lies in the depth between atoms and defines "fairways" through the bottle-necks inside atomic system. Using this network, one can study diffusion and percolation properties of the system.

       The book is meant for students, post-graduate students and researchers who are concerned with computer simulation and structure study in physics, physical chemistry and material science. It can be helpful for both who intends to learn the method and who uses it in his work. There is no need in special geometrical knowledge for reading this book. The author tried to avoid a formal style in discussion of mathematical questions. However, presentation of the material is complete enough for readers to understand the base of the method and to apply it in scientific researches.



Contents of the book:


PREFACE                                                                                                                                          3

INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                   5

PART I. BASIS OF THE METHOD                                                                                                         7

            1. Mathematical sources of the method                                                                                      7

                        1.1. Historical remarks                                                                                                  7

                        1.2. Fundamental results of Voronoi and Delaunay                                                           9

            2. A system of discrete points                                                                                                   12

                        2.1. Voronoi tessellation                                                                                               12

                                   2.1.1. Voronoi plane, channel and site                                                                12

                                   2.1.2. Voronoi polyhedron                                                                                  14

                                   2.1.3. Theorem about the Voronoi tessellation                                                     17

                        2.2 Delaunay tessellation                                                                                             19

                                   2.2.1. The Delaunay empty ball method. Delaunay simplex                                  19

                                   2.2.2. Degeneration                                                                                          21

                                   2.2.3. Theorem about the Delaunay tessellation                                                  23

                                   2.2.4. Simplicial tessellation (triangulation)                                                         24

                                   2.2.5. Features of mutual arrangement of the Delaunay simplices                        25

                        2.3. Duality of the Voronoi and Delaunay tessellations                                                    27

                                   2.3.1. Voronoi-Delaunay tessellation                                                                  27

                                   2.3.2. Correspondence between elements of Voronoi and Delaunay tessellation     28

                                   2.3.3. Graphs and networks                                                                               29

            3. A system of equal balls                                                                                                        30

                        3.1. S-constructions of Voronoi and Delaunay                                                                30

                        3.2. Preliminary geometrical conclusions                                                                       31

                        3.3. Geometry of empty space between balls.                                                                33

                                   3.3.1. Simplicial cavity                                                                                      33

                                   3.3.2. Composite pores. Presentation of pores on the Voronoi network                  35

                        3.4. About permitted travels of a probe                                                                           38

                        3.5. Peculiarities of overlapping balls system                                                                 40

            4. A system of balls of different radii                                                                                          43

                        4.1. Methods to study systems of non-equal balls                                                          43

                        4.2. Main notions and definitions                                                                                   46

                                   4.2.1. Voronoi S-surface (Voronoi hyperboloid)                                                    46

                                   4.2.2. Voronoi S-channel. Configuration of three balls                                          47

                                   4.2.3. Properties of the Voronoi S-channels                                                        50

                                   4.2.4. Interstitial sphere. Configurations of four balls                                            52

                        4.3. Voronoi S-region                                                                                                   53

                                   4.3.1. Types of the Voronoi S-regions                                                                 54

                                   4.3.2. Properties of the Voronoi S-regions                                                           56

                        4.4. Voronoi S-tessellation                                                                                            57

                        4.5. Delaunay S-simplex                                                                                               58

                        4.6. Voronoi S-network                                                                                                 60

                        4.7. Navigation map of empty space in ball system                                                         61

            5. A system of non-spherical convex objects                                                                              64

                        5.1. Generalisations of the Voronoi tessellation                                                               64

                                   5.1.1. Mathematical view on the generalization                                                    64

                                   5.1.2. Medial axes                                                                                            65

                                   5.1.3. Jonson-Mehl model                                                                                 66

                        5.2. Voronoi tessellation of a system of convex objects                                                   68

                                   5.2.1. Preliminary geometrical remarks                                                               68

                                   5.2.2. Theorem about the Voronoi tessellation of a system of convex objects         70

                                   5.2.3. The Voronoi Network of a system of convex objects                                    71

                        5.3. Remarks about systems of non-convex objects                                                        72

            6. Ways for calculation of the Voronoi-Delaunay tessellation                                                        72

                        6.1. Numerical presentation of the Voronoi-Delaunay tessellation                                     73

                                   6.1.1. Voronoi network                                                                                      74

                                   6.1.2. Delaunay network                                                                                    74

                                   6.1.3. Correspondence between Voronoi and Delaunay networks                          74

                                   6.1.4. The characteristic numbers                                                                      75

                        6.2. Calculation of individual Voronoi polyhedron (the method of "go around of face").         76

                        6.3. Calculation of the Voronoi network (the method of "the circumscribed sphere").          79

                        6.4. Calculation of the Voronoi S-network for system of balls of different radii.                   82

                                   6.4.1. General remarks                                                                                     82

                        6.5. Solution of the Apollonian problem in three dimensional space                                  83

                        6.6. Calculation of the Voronoi network for system of convex objects                               86

                                   6.6.1. Distance function                                                                                    86

                                   6.6.2. Search for a first site                                                                               88

                                   6.6.3. Motion along a bond of the Voronoi network                                               88

                                   6.6.4. Forming of the network                                                                            89


            7. The structure of non-crystalline systems                                                                                91

                        7.1. Evolution of conceptions about structure of liquids and glasses                                  91

                        7.2. The first researches of the structure of liquids                                                           94

                        7.3. Methods for generation of computer models                                                              96

            8. Local order                                                                                                                           98

                        8.1. Voronoi polyhedra analysis                                                                                     98

                                   8.1.1. Topological characteristics                                                                        99

                                   8.1.2. Metrical characteristics                                                                            106

                                   8.1.3. Simplified Voronoi polyhedra                                                                    109

                        8.2. The structure of stable and methastable water. Comparison with the tetrahedral network    109

                                   8.2.1. Models                                                                                                   110

                                   8.2.2. Topological analysis                                                                                110

                                    8.2.3. Metrical analysis                                                                                    113

                        8.3. Analysis of the Delaunay simplices                                                                         116

                                   8.3.1. Metric of the Delaunay simplices                                                               116

                                   8.3.2. Measures of shape of the Delaunay simplices                                            119

                        8.4. The structure of dense packings of spherical particles                                               122

            9. Intermediate (medium range) order                                                                                         123

                        9.1. Approach and terminology of the percolation theory                                                  124

                                   9.2. The structure patterns on the Voronoi network                                              125

                                   9.2.1. T-colouring                                                                                              126

                                   9.2.2. O-colouring                                                                                             128

                                   9.2.3. S-colouring                                                                                             131

                        9.3. The structure inhomogeneity in glassy argon. Analysis of the Voronoi network           132

                                   9.3.1. Models                                                                                                   132

                                   9.3.2. Regions of perfect and imperfect structure                                                 133

                        9.4. The structure patterns on the Delaunay network                                                      136

                                   9.4.1. Universal structure inhomogeneity in a simple glass                                   136

                                   9.4.2. Free volume distribution in liquid and glass                                                140

                        9.5. Geometrical aspect of glass transition                                                                    143

            APPLICATION FOR THE COMPUTATIONAL POROSIMETRY                                                    147

            10. The problem of the structure of pores                                                                                   147

                        10.1. Characteristics of pores                                                                                       148

                                   10.1.1. Radius of the interstitial sphere                                                               148

                                   10.1.2. The simplest and composite pores                                                          150

                        10.2. The percolation problem of bonds on the navigation map                                          152

            11. Some physical applications                                                                                                 153

                        11.1. Calculation of accessible volume for test particle                                                     153

                                   11.1.1. Delaunay simplex sampling method                                                         155

                                   11.1.2. Remarks about calculation of the accessible volume in complex systems        157       

                        11.2. Radial distribution function and structure factor of a system of the interstitial spheres     157

                                   11.2.1. Models                                                                                                 159

                                   11.2.2. Analysis of voids                                                                                   160

                        11.3. Three dimensional Apollonian packing                                                                  162

                                   11.3.1. A procedure to build a packing                                                               163

                                   11.3.2. Models                                                                                                 164

                                   11.3.3. Fractal properties of the packing                                                             165

                                   11.3.4. Super-dense packings of balls                                                                168

                        11.4. Hierarchy of pores in dense and in loose packings                                                 170

                                   11.4.1. Models                                                                                                     171

                                               11.4.2. Presentation of the pores                                                           173

                                               11.4.3. Analysis of the simplicial cavities                                                173

                                               11.4.4. Integral analysis of the pores                                                      174

                                               11.4.5. Differential analysis of the pores                                                  175

                        11.5. Penetrability and diffusion                                                                                     177

                                   11.5.1. Permeability and percolation                                                                   177

                                   11.5.2. Diffusion as a random walking on the Voronoi network                               180

                        11.6. Analysis of voids in complex systems                                                                   185

                                   11.6.1. Polydisperse and molecular systems                                                      185

                                   11.6.2. A system of straight lines                                                                       186

APPENDIX. Convex polyhedra                                                                                                              189

References                                                                                                                                         194

Contents                                                                                                                                             210


    The author thanks co-authors of common publications on this subject: Yu.I.Naberukhin, V.P.Voloshin, V.A.Luchnikov, S.V.Anishchik, V.N.Novikov, W.Brostow, A.Geiger, A.Appelhagen, R.Bieshaar, D.Paschek, L.Oger, P.Richard, J.-P.Truadek, P.Madden, to colleagues for helpful discussions promoted to appearance of the book: G.G.Malenkov, B.R.Gelchinsky, V.P.Il'in, A.D.Medvykh, B.A.Tolkachev, A.Gervuos, and also to academician A.D.Aleksandrov (one of the first students of B.N.Delaunay) for wishing bon voyage from the geometrical school of Delaunay to the author on the beginning of his way to use Voronoi and Delaunay ideas.




Download PDF-copy of the book  (in Russian):



Page numbers


Title, preface, contents

0 – 4, 210 – 214


Part I.  Basis of the method

5 – 11


12 – 22

2000_pp_012-022_VD. pdf

23 – 32

2000_pp_023-032_VD. pdf

32 – 42

2000_pp_033-042_VD. pdf

43 – 52

2000_pp_043-052_VD. pdf

53 – 62

2000_pp_053-062_VD. pdf

63 – 71

2000_pp_063-071_VD. pdf

72 – 82

2000_pp_072-082_VD. pdf

83 – 90

2000_pp_083-090_VD. pdf

Part II. Application of the method.

Application for the amorphography

91 – 108

2000_pp_091-108_VD. pdf

109 – 127

2000_pp_109-127_VD. pdf

128 – 146

2000_pp_128-146_VD. pdf

147 – 161

2000_pp_147-161_VD. pdf

162 – 176

2000_pp_162-176_VD. pdf

177 – 193

2000_pp_177-193_VD. pdf


194 – 209

2000_pp_194-209_VD. pdf

This copy of the book is free for education and scientific researches.   Using any parts of the book (text or figures) in other publications needs citing the book and permission of the author of the book: nikmed at

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